I.A.C. Board Roles and Responsibilities - Overview

I.A.C. Board members provide direction to the organisation by adopting sound, ethical, and legal governance and financial management policies, as well as making sure the non-profit has adequate resources to advance its mission.

The I.A.C. Board will be governed by a strategic plan that defines and determines the vision, mission, values and strategic priorities of the organisation.

The strategic priorities are supported by any goals, targets and measures to ensure that the vision of the organisation is achieved in a sustainable and successful manner. See appendix one for the strategic plan framework.

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I.A.C Board Member Roles and Responsibilities - General

Individual I.A.C. board member responsibilities;

  • Attend all board and Symposium meetings, functions, and special events
  • Be informed about the organisation's vision, mission, services, policies, and programmes
  • Review agenda and supporting materials prior to board and committee meetings
  • Contact the Chair before the meeting if you have any concerns about agenda items
  • Serve on Specialised Sections as agreed by the board
  • Keep up-to-date on developments in the I.A.C's field of activity
  • Follow conflict-of-interest and confidentiality policies
  • Direct any questions to the Chair
  • Assist the board in carrying out its fiduciary responsibilities, such as reviewing the organisation's annual financial statements

Personal characteristics to consider

  • Ability to: listen, analyse, think clearly and creatively, work well with people individually and in a group
  • Willing to: prepare for and attend board and committee meetings, ask questions, take responsibility and follow through on a given assignment
  • Be open to learning new things and participating in training as and when required
  • Possess: honesty, sensitivity to and tolerance of differing views, a friendly, responsive, and patient approach, personal integrity, a developed sense of values
  • A sense of humour

I.A.C. Office Holder Roles

I.A.C. Chairperson

The chair's role is to:

  • Provide leadership and ensure the effective operation of the governing body
  • Ensure that decisions made at meetings are implemented
  • Plan and conduct efficient governing body meetings
  • Prepare meeting agendas
  • Manage the distribution of information in advance of governing body meetings
  • Ensure accurate recording of meeting decisions
  • Liaise with another executive outside scheduled governing body meetings
  • Instruct the auditor in the absence of a finance committee
  • Establish governing body committees (sub-groups of the full board) for specific tasks and define their terms of reference
  • Attend committee meetings where appropriate
  • Ensure the governing body’s resources are being well and appropriately used
  • To act as the board spokesperson
  • Manage and mediate conflicts within the board

I.A.C. Vice Chair

The main role of the vice-chairperson is to provide the functions listed above when the chairperson is absent. 

The responsibilities of the vice-chairperson are to:

  • Stand-in for the chairperson if s/he is away
  • Assist the chairperson with matters between meetings
  • Deal with specific tasks or issues as defined by the governing body (for example, managing special projects, chairing meetings or dealing with personnel matters)

I.A.C. Treasurer

The treasurer’s tasks include:

  • Ensuring that the finances of the organisation are managed appropriately
  • Making recommendations to the governing body about income and expenditure, investments and outstanding debts
  • Keeping records of all incoming and outgoing payments
  • Reviewing the annual statement of financial performance (profit and loss) and statement of financial position (balance sheet)
  • Ensuring that the annual audit process is undertaken in a timely fashion according to legal requirements. Including viewing of the Cashbook by the elected Cash Auditors at least three weeks prior to the General Assembly
  • Ensure that appropriate accounting procedure and controls to suit the needs of the association are in place
  • Liaise with relevant people about financial matters
  • Providing 6 monthly financial statements to the governing body and providing explanations where required
  • Presenting the financials at the General Assembly
  • Drawing up the annual budget in consultation with other Executive Board members
  • Ensuring that sufficient funds are available at all times to support the I.A.C’s liabilities
  • Maintain a current database of members' payments for renewal communication purposes

I.A.C. Secretary

The secretary’s tasks are to:

  • Arrange meetings of the board or committees including setting a meeting schedule for the I.A.C. board to adopt
  • Dealing with I.A.C. correspondence
  • Preparing agendas for meetings (in consultation with the chairperson)
  • Taking the minutes of meetings
  • Distributing the minutes within 2 months of the AGM
  • Ensure all follow-up actions are completed
  • Advise the chair on I.A.C. meeting protocols

 Specialised Sections Roles

Scientific Advisory Role

The function of the Scientific Advisory Role(s) is to assist the I.A.C. executive to interpret and understand relevant scientific information, and to make judgements about relevance, potential and applications within the scope of the association. Tasks include:

  • Evaluation/assessment of science-based contributions for publication
  • Advise the executive on science-related topics that directly affect the policies and values of the association
  • Act as interface/initiator for the IAC publications in scientific magazines
  • Write project articles for publication on the I.A.C. website and other publications
  • If appropriate, assess sponsoring member applications for validity (If manufacturer or distributor of skincare products)
  • Answer questions from members

Membership Services /IT services

This role currently involves IT, customer service, and promotional roles combined. Tasks are:

  • Membership applications/ communications/inquiries
  • Members certifications
  • Member collateral & troubleshooting
  • Facebook promotion
  • Website maintenance/development/security (Joomla & Community Builder)
  • Editing/formatting of article and other content submissions for website
  • Management of Mailchimp account for membership communication
  • Manage external IT-related contractors and service providers

Education Committee Role

The Board of Education’s purpose is to enable all members to develop their individual potential and to acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to contribute to a skincare and treatment approach and obtain sustainable results for the clients. The primary functions of the Board of Education are:

  • to set policy for the effective and efficient operation of corneotherapy treatment approaches
  • to provide approved education courses, events, webinars, articles and other helpful content
  • to help answer questions from the members regarding corneotherapy and its practical application
  • to support members in the learning process of corneotherapy matters
  • to follow corneotherapy principles ourselves
  • to promote corneotherapy and the International Association of Applied Corneotherapy in our normal daily business activities

In accordance with the Association's mandate, the Board is a body subjective to the rules and guidelines set by the Executive Committee. Its authority and responsibility rest solely in the mandates of the Executive Board.

Individual Education board members have no individual authority.

As members of the education Board, members are accountable to the association members for the collective decisions of the Board, and for the delivery and quality of educational services set out by the association. A member serves the community as an elected representative, but the member's primary task is to act as a member of the Board.

Regularly scheduled Educational Board meetings are held during the year and are reported to the members at AGM. The schedule of meeting dates, times, and locations is announced before each meeting.

Advisory to the specialist sections Role outline

The advisory to the specialist section's role includes supporting the education and members sections.

Members sections:

  • Assisting the team in creating written content for member updates, and promotional material and liaising with members during symposium preparation
  • Assisting with the marketing of memberships/recruitment into the IAC
  • Welcoming new members introducing them to the benefits of the IAC and how to get the most from their membership

Education Sections:

  • To create/adapt content into a format that is relatable to beauty therapists and skin therapists
  • To support the education team in editing content
  • Assisting with webinar content and delivery
  • Supporting the education board as needed in delivering content to members
  • Creating content on the practical implementation of corneotherapy into your business practice

Treasury Admin Role:

  • Liaise with the treasurer to ensure a smooth record of memberships
  • Ensures all figures are accurate to the best of their understanding and disclosure of records
  • To assist in the ease of membership payments and the renewal of annual membership fees

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