Pastiche LogoPastiche Training are an internationally accredited CPD provider of quality training programs designed for the development of individuals who work within the professional non-surgical skin care sector.
Since 1994, many thousands of skin care professionals, beauty therapists and aestheticians from around the world have benefited from advanced education developed and provided by New Zealand based Pastiche Training.

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Pastiche has developed training programs to provide superior education and resources covering the subjects of effective skin analysis, anatomy and physiology, cosmetic chemistry and protocols for treatment planning that provide skin treatment practitioners a pathway to excellence and competence in their chosen profession.

Pastiche training roomThe most recognized program is The Pastiche Method® of skin analysis, which has been taught globally since 1994.  Since 2012, Pastiche educational programs have been delivered via on-line distance learning. 

Pastiche Training are proud to support and contribute the goals of the I.A.C. by participating in the development and delivery of Corneotherapy centric educational resources for both members and those new to the science of Corneotherapy.

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