9th Symposium 2025

Dates: May 9-11, 2025
Location: Insel Hotel, Potsdam, Germany
Theme: "New findings to maintain the skin barrier function"

I.A.C. members: €400
Non-members: €500

Register to attend

We have arranged special room rates for our attendees (see registration form) but you are under no obligation to stay at the venue.

Information about Our presenters: 9th Symposium on Corneotherapy 2025

Event schedule as of 25/03/2024

Friday May 9

18.30-18.45: Welcome to Symposium (Elena Hernandez, PhD)

18.45-18.50: Welcome to Symposium (Marek Harder)

18.50-19.00: Opening of the Symposium and Introduction (Hans Lautenschläger, PhD)

19.00-late: Welcome dinner - Insel Hotel

Saturday, May 10

8.45: Preview of the Day's Format (Margaret Walsh)

9.00-9.45: Physics; Inside epidermal measurement tools - from past to future (Christiane Uhl)

9.45-10.30: Biochemistry; Environmental influences on epidermal functions and structures (Jürgen Kloss, PhD)

30 minute Break

11.00-11.45: Dermatology; Strategies to trigger skin immunity and their relevance (Elena Hernandez, PhD)

11.45-12.30: Physics; Influencing epidermal functions by physical means and devices (Martina Meinke, Prof PhD)

12.30-13.00: Discussion buffer. Time needed and apportioned for answering questions directly after a lecture

60 minute Lunch

14.00-14.45: Dermatology; Influencing epidermal functions by pharmaceuticals & their side effects (Cornelia Keck, Prof PhD)

14.45-15.30: Corneotherapy; "Corneoceuticals" for topical and oral administration (Ghita Lanzendörfer-Yu, PhD)

15.30-15.45: Short Presentation. Short-term topic presented by an I.A.C. Board member (TBA)

15.45-16.00: Discussion buffer. Time needed and apportioned for answering questions directly after a lecture

30 minute Break

16.30-18.30: I.A.C. General Assembly (Exclusive to I.A.C. Members)

20.00 - late: Dinner – Historic Mill Restaurant Potsdam (Bus from hotel provided)

Restaurant Zur Historischen Mühle, Potsdam

Sunday, May 11, 2025

8.45: Preview of the Day's Format (Margaret Walsh)

9.00-9.45: Dermatology; Signal pathways in the skin – modulated by dermatological and cosmetic treatments (Johann van der Vyver, MD)

9.45-10.30: Dermatology; Medical and cosmetic peelings – short and long-term (side) effects (René Serbon)

30 minute Break

11.00-11.45: Dermatology; Skin microbiome imbalance, related disorders and recover strategies (Ehrhardt Proksch, Prof MD PhD)

11.45-12.30: Corneotherapy; Formulations – compatible with skin barrier, epidermal functions & microbiome (Hans Lautenschläger, PhD)

12.30-13.00 Discussion buffer. Time needed and apportioned for answering questions directly after a lecture

60 minute Lunch

14.00-14.45: Biochemistry; Enzymes of epidermis & microbiome – balancing deficits from outside (Burkhard Kleuser, Prof PhD)

14.45-15.30: Corneotherapy; Age-depending influences on skin regeneration (Florence Barrett-Hill)

15.30-15.45: Discussion buffer. Time needed and apportioned for answering questions directly after a lecture

15.45-16.00: Closing Speech (Elena Hernandez, PhD)

Say Goodbye – Coffee & Tea

18.30-21.30:  *Optional Special Event- Boat trip & Dinner* The palace tour: Potsdam's most beautiful sights by boat.
This tour is especially dedicated to the parks and palaces of the Hohenzollern dynasty. See registration form for prices.

Palace tour map

Palace tour boat

Here's some images of our fantastic location for the event.

Insel Hotel

Insel Hotel Postdam

Insel Hotel Potsdam

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